Author: rickyramon
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This is a test from CMC to The Heat
Three Pennsylvania police officers have been charged in the shooting death of 8-year-old Fanta Bility, who was killed last year while leaving a high school football game with her family. According to The Associated Press, a grand jury recommended Tuesday (January 18) that the Sharon Hill Police officers –– identified as Devon Smith, Sean Dolan, […]
A 13 year old girl at John Rolfe Middle School allegedly set fire to her classmates hair causing severe damage as well as second and third degree burns. The victims mother recalls seeing her sons once shoulder length hair burned down to the scalp. She says that he is devastated and emotionally scarred from the […]
It’s a story that has shocked the city. 26 year old, Donald Thurman, has been charged with murder of a 19-year old sophomore at UIC (University of Illinois at Chicago), Ruth George. Thurman saw George at the blue line stop and cat-called her, in which she didn’t reply. He became angry and then followed George […]
Kanye West is dropping an album next month 9/27 called ‘JESUS IS KING’— DatPiff (@DatPiff) August 29, 2019